Sexta Feira - Sexta, foi o dia mais legal, pois a parte da manhã estava aberta apenas para profissionais do setor e a parte da tarde não encheu de gente! Isto fez com que conseguissemos andar pela feira inteira e conhecer todos os estandes!
Sábado - Foi o dia maos lotado! Gente saindo pelas janelas! Ficava difícil de passar pelos corredores! Neste dia consegui fazer o review de portfólio no estande da Marvel! Como ficou difícil de andar na parte principal da convenção, resolvi passear pelo "artist alley" e conhecer alguns artistas! Essa com certeza foi a parte mais legal da convenção! Aliás, Adam Hughs é extremamente simpático!
A NYCC assim como sua cidade Nova York, é fantástica, em 10 dias de viagem voltei sem pernas! Fiquei impressionado com a cidade, realmente digna do reconhecimento! O que escrevi foi apenas um "teaser" do que foi a viagem. Se fosse colocar em uma só palavra, diria: Inesquecível!
Criei um álbum no Flicker para postar as melhores fotos da NYCC, se tiver interessem é só clicar aqui!
Abraços a todos!
October 8, 9 and 10 was the third largest comic convention in the US, the New York Comic Con and I was there for her honors.
October 8, 9 and 10 was the third largest comic convention in the US, the New York Comic Con and I was there for her honors.
Friday - Friday was the coolest day since the morning was open only to industry professionals and the afternoon is not filled with people! This meant we could walk the entire show and know all the booths!
That day I did most of the portfolio review and also met very nice people, like Leonardo Olea, fantastic colorist and designer, Chris Warner, senior editor of Dark Horse and the fantastic Humberto Ramos I'm a biggest fan!
Saturday - The day was hands full! People coming through the windows! Was difficult to pass through the halls! On this day managed to do the portfolio review at the booth of Marvel! As it became difficult to walk in the main part of the convention, I decided to purge the artist alley and meet some artists! This was certainly the coolest part of the convention! Incidentally, Adam Hughs is extremely friendly!
Sunday - With batteries done, Sunday was a day of shopping! Nearly blew all my money at the booth of Brand Studio Press of Alberto Ruiz Diaz! Indeed, Alberto is tremendously friendly and reserved a lot of albums for me! Best regards for that great friend!
The NYCC as well as its New York City, is fantastic, 10-day trip came back with no legs! I was impressed with the city, truly worthy of recognition! What I wrote was just a teaser of what this trip was. If it were put in a word, say: Unforgettable!
I created an album on Flicker to post the best pictures from NYCC, if you are interested just click here!
Best brasilian regards!